Health Heart

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Audit Commission Area Profiles

Area Profiles is a related project with which Health Profiles has collaborated. It aims to bring together in one place all the information, data and assessments about the quality of life and public services in local areas.

Government policy and reports

The Department of Health’s White Paper “Choosing Health: Making healthy choices easier”

The Health Profile of England was published in October 2006, as part of Health Challenge England

Health Profiles elsewhere in the UK

Community Profiles in Scotland

Community Health Profiles in Wales

Public Health Observatories in England

Nationally, there is the Association of Public Health Observatories. There are also 9 regional public health observatories in England. They are:

East Midlands Public Health Observatory
Eastern Region Public Health Observatory
London Health Observatory
North East Public Health Observatory
North West Public Health Observatory
South East Public Health Observatory
South West Public Health Observatory
West Midlands Public Health Observatory
Yorkshire & Humber Public Health Observatory

Other sources of data/indicators

  • Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory on-line Indicator Search Tool (published by Yorkshire and Humber Public Health Observatory)
  • Compendium of Clinical and Health Indicators (published by National Centre for Health Outcomes Development)
  • Every Child Matters:  The Outcomes Framework  (published by Department for Education and Skills)
  • Health Poverty Index (published by University of St. Andrews; Social Disadvantage Research Centre, University of Oxford and South East Public Health Observatory)
  • Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2004 (published by Office of the Deputy Prime Minister)
  • Library of Local Performance Indicators (published by Audit Commission/Improvement and Development Agency)
  • Local Basket of Inequalities Indicators (published by London Health Observatory)
  • Local Government Performance, Best Value Indicators (published by Office of the Deputy Prime Minister)
  • National Standards, Local Action: Health and Social Care Standards and Planning Framework 2005/06–2007/08 (published by Department of Health)
  • National Statistics Online (published by National Statistics)
  • Neighbourhood Statistics /Neighbourhood Profiles (published by National Statistics)
  • NHS Trust Performance Ratings (published by Healthcare Commission)
  • Opportunity for All  (published by Department for Work and Pensions)
  • Personal and Social Services Performance Assessment Framework (Star Ratings published by Commission for Social Care Inspection)
  • Programme for Action: Health Inequalities (published by Department of Health)
  • Public Service Agreements 2005-2008 (published by HM Treasury)
  • Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) 2004/05 (published by Health and Social Care Information Centre)
  • Regional Indications  (published by Association of Public Health Observatories)
  • Regional Outcome Indicators (published by Government Offices for the English Regions)
  • Setting Targets to Raise Standards (published by Department for Education and Skills)
  • UK Decennial Census (published by Economic and Social Research Council and the Joint Information Systems Committee)
  • UK Government Sustainable Development Framework indicators (published by Sustainable Development Unit, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs)
  • Data for Neighbourhood Renewal (published by Neighbourhood Renewal Unit, Department for Communities and Local Government)

Sources of Guidance